The CASE Journal

Editorial Criteria

The CASE Journal offers authors the chance to work collaboratively with a team of expert reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief to develop their case study into its best possible form. Authors published in TCJ will also enjoy wide dissemination of their work to a truly global audience and make a significant impact in classrooms across the globe.

The audience for TCJ includes both academics and practitioners and thus encourages submissions from a broad range of individuals. TCJ is published as an online journal by Emerald Publishing Group.

The CASE Journal invites submission of the following:

  • Cases: TCJ publishes factual teaching cases spanning the full spectrum of business and management disciplines. All cases must be accompanied by an Instructor’s Manual providing the target audience, relevant theoretical concepts or models, research methodology, discussion questions and suggested responses and teaching strategies (see guidelines for authors).
  • Compact Cases: These cases are limited to 500-1,000 words (about two pages, single-spaced). The goal is to make cases accessible, readable and more engaging for students. Compact cases must also be factual and will be accompanied by a Teaching Note (a shorter version of the Instructor’s Manual).
  • New Forms: TCJ is interested in exploring new types of cases that go beyond the conventional models. Cases utilizing innovative technology or twists on traditional formats are welcome.
  • Articles and Conceptual Papers: TCJ also invites submissions of articles relating to case teaching, case writing, case reviewing, and similar topics. Conceptual papers and papers reporting original research as well as the applied implications of others’ research in terms of case teaching, research, and instruction are welcome, as are creative learning, research and writing methods that have been tested in the classroom or in practice, including critical incidents and industry or technical notes.

Submissions should be made online through the ScholarOne Manuscripts submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at

Additional guidelines for authors are available at: Emerald’s Author Submission Guidelines

Key Benefits

Submitting your work to TCJ provides a number of benefits to authors:

  • Work collaboratively with our team of expert reviewers and the Editor-in Chief to develop your case study into its best possible form.
  • Make an impact in classrooms around the globe and contribute to an engaging and applied student experience.
  • Enjoy wide dissemination of your work to a truly global audience through Emerald’s literati network and The Case Centre.

Case Writing & Research Resources

If you are new to case research and writing, please consult these books written by CASE members:

The Art & Craft of Case Writing (3rd Edition, 2011) by William Naumes & Margaret J. Naumes (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group). (Also available on

The Case Writing Workbook: A Self-Guided Workshop (2nd Edition, 2017) by Gian Vega)

Editor and Editorial Advisory Board


Christopher Craig
Murray State University, USA
[email protected]

Associate Editor

Mike Annett
MacEwan University – Canada

David Desplaces
Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business, The Citadel, Charleston – USA

Keith Harris
Kansas State University, USA

Tulsi Jayakumar
SP Jain Institute of Management and Research – India

Ismail Karabas
Murray State University – USA

Oznur Yurt
The Open University – UK

Editor Assistant

Ben McCormick
Murray State University – USA
[email protected]


Melissa Close
Emerald Publishing – USA
[email protected]

Journal Editorial Office (For queries related to pre-acceptance)

Rimalee Vijay Pillay
Emerald Publishing
[email protected]

Supplier Project Manager (For queries related to post-acceptance)

Uday Bhan
Emerald Publishing
[email protected]

Editorial Advisory Board

Erin Bass
University of Nebraska Omaha – USA

Steve Congden
University of Hartford, USA – USA

Kelly Fisher
West Chester University, Pennsylvania – USA

Matthew Fisher
Lam Family College of Business, San Francisco State University – USA

James Hilliard
Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia – USA

Sarah Holtzen
Missouri Southern State University – USA

Patrik Hultberg
Kalamazoo College – USA

George Joseph
University of Massachusetts Lowell – USA

Kenneth Levitt
Frostburg State University – USA

Brooke Klassen

Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan – Canada

Paddy Lonergan
Manchester Metropolitan University – United Kingdom

Anne Macy
Paul & Virginia Engler College of Business, West Texas A&M University – USA

Matthew J. Mazzei
Samford University – USA

Margaret Naumes
University of New Hampshire (retired) – USA

William Naumes
University of New Hampshire – USA

Marlene Reed
Baylor University – USA

Stuart Rosenberg
Monmouth University, New Jersey – USA

Kathryn Savage
Northern Arizona University – USA

Karin Schnarr
Wilfrid Laurier University – Canada

Vivian Steinhauser
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Joseph Trendowski
Mount St. Joseph University – USA

Sumedha Tuteja
Department of Finance, Institute of Management Studies Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad – India

Jorge Manuel Vareda Gomes
University of Lisbon – Portugal

Miriam Weismann
Florida International University – USA

Rebecca Wilson-Mah
Royal Roads University, Canada – Canada

Angela da Rocha
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Brazil


The quality of any journal necessarily depends upon the quality of its reviewers. TCJ depends on many qualified reviewers in our double-blind review process. New reviewers are welcomed as the journal receives more submissions each year.

What are the qualifications for TCJ reviewers? Reviewers should have subject matter expertise, familiarity with case pedagogy and if possible, case writing experience. Reviewers that are strong on subject matter expertise and have taught with a lot of cases are often paired with more experienced reviewers/case writers for the first few reviews. TCJ is a developmental journal and our reviewers should:

  • Have a sincere desire to improve the case by framing comments constructively and providing comprehensive suggestions
  • Understand what appeals to and interests students
  • Make suggestions on literature and theoretical perspectives based on deep content knowledge of the subject matter

Reviewing or serving on the editorial advisory board is another way to demonstrate the impact of your intellectual contributions. You will also learn a great deal about case research and writing by reviewing the works of others. In addition, you will receive three-months’ complimentary access to all Emerald Journals following the submission of your review. If you are willing to help others improve their cases for publication, sign up to be a reviewer by emailing the editor. Please indicate the subject areas that are your specialty.

Journal Reputation/Impact

Many academic scholars must document how their intellectual contributions are making a difference and having impact. There are many possible metrics that can be utilized to demonstrate the impact of cases and articles published in TCJ. The appropriate metric to be utilized depends on the individual institution and its mission. To assist our authors in establishing the impact of work published in TCJ, we provide the following:

  • Download Counts: As TCJ is an online journal, the number of times your case is downloaded can be used to demonstrate impact. This data can be obtained from our two distributors—Emerald Publishing Group and The Case Centre.
  • Quality and Reputation of the Journal: The CASE Journal is one of the top case journals in the world. Two research studies have documented the journal’s ranking.
    • Currie, R.R. & Pandher, G. (2013). Management Education Journals’ Rank and Tier by Active Scholars, Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12(2), 194-216. In this study, The CASE Journal is ranked 23rd of 84 management learning and education journals in terms of quality and importance. TCJ is listed as a “B” journal. It is worth noting that this is based on a 2009 survey and the stature of the journal has likely improved since then. Furthermore, if only case journals are considered, TCJ ranks second only to the Case Research Journal.
    • Harris, R. (2016). Case Research Journal Rankings, New Views Session presented at the meeting of the North American Case Research Association, Las Vegas, NV. Harris surveyed 90 active scholars to assess awareness, quality and importance to the field of 14 academic journals that publish case research. In this exploratory study, TCJ ranked second to the Case Research Journal on all three dimensions—awareness, quality and importance to the field.
  • Circulation Data: The CASE Journal provides the following data regarding circulation:
    • Reader: Academic and Practitioner
    • Frequency of Issue: 6 times per year (4 quarterly and 2 special issues)
    • Copies per Issue: N/A (Online journal)
    • Subscription Price:
    • Publishing Fee: None. However, at least one of the publishing authors must be a member of the CASE Association ($25 membership fee)
    • Sponsorship: Professional Association
    • ISSN: 1544-9106
    • Years of Publication: online since 2004
  • Listed in Cabell’s: Search for “case journal.” Note that the Journal Citation Reports Journal Impact Factor is not available for TCJ as cases are not often cited.