Welcome to the CASE Association!
Message from the President
2023-2024 Greetings
It has been a very busy year for The CASE Association. We are very excited about the upcoming EAM/CASE Association conference in Providence from May 14th-17th. There is still time to register. Here is the link:
Our Conference Program
Our annual conference is designed to promote case writing through a roundtable format and interaction where case ideas emerge (embryos), cases are developed (cases without instructor manual), and cases are critiqued (cases with instructor manual) to improve their chances for publication. The conference program is centered around developing the case writer and instructor with many networking and co-authoring opportunities. This year we will repeat the case writing hackathon experience facilitated by one of the case writing experts in the field. The exercise will allow participants the opportunity to develop cases live with other attendees. Finally, our special focus on teaching cases online will allow attendees to develop the tool kit that is sure to improve their teaching effectiveness.
We support Ph.D. students and scholars in training, practitioners (SP, PA, and IP) wanting to make a transition to full time instruction, but more importantly scholars who want to have an impact in line with AACSB International requirements.
The conference offers a great opportunity to meet colleagues and make friends. The networking opportunity is of great value. The conference is a good place to learn, apply new skills and just have fun.
Call for Cases
The submission portal to submit your case (embryo cases, cases without the instructor’s manual, cases with the instructor’s manual) can be found at this link:
Submissions will be accepted until January 21, 2024
The full EAM/CASE conference schedule of events is forthcoming so make sure to check out the conference details.
Our Partnership with Emerald Publishing
The CASE Journal, published by Emerald Publishing, is a great outlet for cases, compact cases, new forms, andarticles and conceptual papers on case teaching, case writing, case reviewing, and similar topics. I’m pleased to let you know that the most recent issue of TCJ is now online at https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/1544-9106
The CASE Association is redesigning its website. Not quite finished yet! So, stay tuned for our new look and information! Please visit our new website to learn more about The CASE Association and The CASE Journal. https://www.caseweb.org/about-case/ Our goal is to mentor and provide a pathway to publish.
Finally, if you are interested in becoming a member of the board or an Officer in the Association, please contact me at [email protected] We encourage participation!
See you in Providence!
Miriam F. Weismann
The CASE Association