How to access case

[private] Register a profile on the Emerald Platform

  1. From the Homepage Select “Register”. (if you already have an Emerald account see step 10)
  2. Enter your name, e-mail address and OAN (OAN: 930309263243774).
  3. Tick to agree to the T’s & C’s and Privacy Policy, then click “Register”.
  4. You will then receive an e-mail asking you to activate your account
  5. You must click the “Login” link . You will then be directed to a welcome page where you will need to create and confirm your password.
  6. After assigning a password, click “Continue”.
  7. You will be taken to the Emerald Insights Homepage and be authenticated for access to this institution’s Emerald subscriptions.
  8. If you click on the ‘Products’ page in the menu bar, you will be able to see to which products we have access.
  9. Alternatively, you can begin searching from the search bar. Results can be can be streamlined to ‘only content I have access to’ and ‘cases’ on the results page itself.
  10. If you already have an Emerald account log in at and click ‘profile’ on the menu bar. From the resulting screen select ‘add organisational access number’ and enter the OAN. Your account will now be linked with the access and ready for use

If you have any questions concerning the above, or are struggling to register the OAN against your profile, please contact Emerald Customer Support.[/private]