Welcome to the CASE Association!
Message from the President
2024 – 2025 Greetings
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The 2025 EAM/CASE conference will be held in Baltimore from May 12 to 15. Stay tuned for more details. Read on… and come join us for the fun.
The 2024 EAM/CASE conference in Providence, RI, was a great success. We welcomed back our members, and attendance was high. We laughed, learned, and socialized! Here is a link to the CASE Annual Meeting Album on Google Drive.
Let me take a moment to share some of the highlights of programming.
COME TO THE CONFERENCE AND PUBLISH: Once again, we will present the Case Writing Hackathon, designed to create teams of writers and start the case writing process. Consider coming to the next conference to work on a publishable case with other new case writers.
Our publisher, Emerald Publishing, has expanded collaboration with The Case Centre, simplifying access to our cases. Just click the link and our entire collection is now available! Here is the link information:
Emerald homepage on the Case Centre: Case collection: CASE Association – The Case Centre.
Emerald created the new Cases Hub to provide continuous case writing instruction to our members, and it’s FREE! The Emerald Cases Hub is an interactive, free online resource to help case writers create and publish concise, quality, and nuanced teaching cases. Registering an account on the Hub allows you to access three training courses designed alongside case-writing experts with authors and students in mind. These include:
- Writing a case study, covering all stages of the writing process from identifying a need, writing the case and teaching note, and evaluating your work.
- Teaching a case study, helping you feel confident using the case method in your classrooms, and
- Learning with cases, which you can assign to your students alongside any case to help them better understand and analyze the case.
Whether you are new to cases or an expert in your own right, the Hub provides helpful tips, tricks, and best-practice advice to help reach your goals. It also offers a number of videos, webinars, and guides created by the editors of our Emerald eCase collections to further your learning. For more information and to start exploring the Hub, visit bit.ly/caseslearninghub
Emerald is also looking to fill a paid Associate Editor position. Please contact Melissa Close for more details. ([email protected])
We encourage all of our members to consider becoming more involved in the case writing community and our organization. Become part of the Board! We are seeking someone to accept the nomination for Vice President of Membership. If you would like to join the Board, please contact me at [email protected].
We look forward to continuing to cultivate our special relationship with our members. We need your support to remain strong and serve the community of scholars and case writers. Please circulate this newsletter to your business school departments and encourage your colleagues to submit cases. The editor of The CASE Journal, Christopher Craig, is working hard to bring us another great issue.
We have an excellent Board, and our team is on a mission! Our mission is to innovate in our program delivery and create new value-added programs and features to enhance the privilege of membership in our organization. Our membership continues to grow. Please encourage others to join us!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how to improve our organization, please email me at [email protected].
Many thanks.
Miriam F. Weismann
Clinical Professor of Business Law and Tax
Academic Director Healthcare MBA
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Florida International University
Miami, Florida